We watched some TV last night.
Kate Humble, a blond female BBC TV presenter went to Saudi Arabia.
That might sound perfectly normal to you but it isn't. Kate had to have a male escort, a Saudia Arabian called Dewi.
This is because no woman is allowed to be in the country alone with our a male relative or a male escort approved by the Saudi government. She had to wear an abaya, a black robe that covers the whole body.
All the other women she met were all wearing beautiful skirts and sexy blouses! But not in a public place..
Kate met a Royal Saudi Prince, one of the richest men in the world. She followed him into the desert where she met his fourth wife. They didn't mention that he is still married and living with the first three!
This Royal Saudi Prince gave money and goods, like cars, to the people who live in tribes in the desert. A huge queue formed and he gave away thousands of pounds or riyal of his own personal wealth.
His wealth comes from investing in businesses all over the world including The Sun newspaper, CNN and Citibank in the US.
Kate went to visit some arabian women who were playing basketball, in public in Jeddah. Apparently there are 20 female teams that play on private land in Jeddah.
The men disapprove but fortunately this doesn't stop them. The Koran doesn't say that women must not play sport so where does this disapproval come from?
Kate questioned Dewi about this and was close to insulting him. Did he deserve to be insulted for having different views of what was acceptable for women?
Saudi women aren't allowed to speak to any men other than relatives. If they are found by the religious police to be alone in the company of a man who isn't a relative they are stoned to death.
This wasn't mentioned on the programme.
Kate followed the frankincense trail around Saudi Arabia but wasn't allowed to visit Mecca. No foreign or saudi tourists can go there, I didn't know this.
She went to the Red Sea and she dived on a shipwreck that has only once been dived on before owing, according to her diving escort, to the paranoia! As Kate stripped off her abaya and dived into the water she said it felt great to be out of that 'blinking abaya'.
Well done Kate.
Things are changing though in Saudi Arabia, mainly I think to 9/11 and the blame they received. The secrecy of the country made them easy scapegoats.
Women are allowed to own a car now, but aren't allowed the insurance to drive it, but they do. Freedom is improving particularly in Jeddah but not so much in Riyadh the capital.
I wish our Queen would give away her private riches she makes through investments to her people as the Royal Saudi Prince does every month. They share their wealth.
In my humble opinion, if Saudia Arabia treated women equally it would be the best nation in the world, by far.
These are my views are not a reflection of any company or person I work for