Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Meanwhile back at BBC Radio Suffolk

I don't believe it! Only last week I gave up on my dream.

I told everyone on facebook, myspace and blogspot that I need a new dream and guess what happens?!

It all unfolded yesterday afternoon at around 5pm. I commented on my friend Rob Dunger's status about finding a Roman Path across the River Orwell in Ipswich, which is in Suffolk on the East coast of England.

The River is beautiful and I spent many a happy hour last year interviewing folk who live around or on the estuary for BBC Suffolk's website

click here.

I wrote under the Places and then River Orwell pages and also the Made In England section.

Anyway, after I left a comment on facebook about the exciting discovery, Rob left a comment asking if I would go to the studio to talk to him about the River Orwell live on the radio. At first I was a little wary as the piece was scheduled for 5.50am today.

But I was mightily tempted and when Mutley arrived home he immediately said I hope you have accepted! So I commented to Rob that I would be there.

Even though it meant getting up at 4.00 am!! I now live 80 miles from Ipswich which is a good hours drive on our roads.

I had a chat with Rob on IM at 10pm last night and then went to bed having made some notes about what I wanted to say. There is lots to talk about and I was able to find a little more information about the Roman Path, but the feature only lasted 5 minutes tops!

You can listen again from the homepage above if you click on Rob Dungers programme. I was on about 40 minutes into the programme.

I have to say I missed the first alarm this morning and managed to wake myself up enough to get up at 4. After a shower I could have left at 4.15 if I had been able to hurry!

Mutley listened online and he said I sounded cool and professional, which really gave me a boost.

It was lovely to see Rob again after almost a year away from the station. I also got a kiss from Mark Murphy, the Breakfast Show presenter welcoming me back so I was well chuffed.

Rob has asked me back on his programme next Wednesday to talk about something else on the River Orwell so that is ace!

You can read the feature I wrote last year and what I talked about this morning here it is called

Keeping The Wet Dock Wet.


Tabitha Bird said...

Wow! That's is wonderful for you.

I didn't realize that there is an 'Ipswich' in the UK. But that makes sense because most places here in Australia are named after somewhere in the UK.

Good for you about the radio gig. May they turn into many more :)

Wendabubble said...

Thank you Tabitha :)

I think there is an Ipswich in the US too.

Stephanie Faris said...

Cool! It's great to get to know more about you. I was in awe to hear you worked for the BBC. I went to school to be a broadcast journalist but never did anything outside of our campus stations. I know what hard work it is.

Susan R. Mills said...

That's great! You are getting to do something you love.

Wendabubble said...

Yes it can be hardwork especially for the newsreaders who are journalists who go out and get the news too. They edit their interviews etc etc

I am more of a presenter and producer. I like finding stories and ideas to talk about on the radio programmes more on the entertainment side than the news.

Here is the link to the iplayer to listen again I come on after 39 minutes and talk til about 51st minute!!

Wendabubble said...

Yay to that Lazy Writer, it is such fun! That's how life needs to be!